Overdose Signs
Person is not responsive
Fingertips or lips turn blue or grey
Breathing is slow, shallow, or has stopped
Person is gurgling or making snoring noises
What can you do if you see an opioid overdose?
Call 911
If you have naloxone, give the person naloxone and perform rescue breathing
If no response after 2-3 minutes, give a second dose of naloxone
Do not leave the person alone (help will arrive)
If the person starts to breathe or becomes more alert, lay the person in the recovery position: put the person slightly on the left side so that their body is supported by a bent knee with their face turned to the side and bottom arm reaching out to stabilize the position.
Naloxone Training Information
To Schedule a training in Madison, Lauderdale, Tipton, Haywood, Henderson, Chester, Decatur, Fayette, Hardeman, McNairy, or Hardin Counties
Contact : Mark Mason
For Contacts in Other Counties in Tennessee. Follow this Link